Apex Ear Bloodletting, Restriction of Dairy Products, Psychotropic Medication and Energy Disturbances in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study

Author Details

Huang, Wei Ling

Journal Details


Published: 31 December 2019 | Article Type :


Purpose: To observe the different effects of using or not using apex ear bloodletting (AEB), restriction of dairy products, psychotropic medications in patients with depression, being treated with auricular acupuncture.

Methods: A retrospective double blind study was conducted with 1500 records of AA patients were studied by the clinic’s secretary noting the name and phone of 25 (1.67%) with depression. Another person contacted the patients to fill out a questionnaire by phone, including a Hospital Depression Evaluation Scale (HDES) Test. In this test emphasis was placed on the patient’s emotional condition before and after his acupuncture treatment.

Results: 11 (73%) had Apex Ear Bloodletting. 4 (27%) did not have AEB. 9 (60%) followed Chinese Dietary Counseling. 6 (40%) did not follow CDC. Results of Hospital Depression Evaluation Scale before AA: 2 (13%) were considered normal. 3 (20%) were considered borderline. 10 (67%) were considered to have depression.The results of HDES after AA: 7 (47%) were considered normal. 3 (20%) were considered borderline. 5 (33%) were considered to have depression. HDES regarding the use of Apex Ear Bloodletting: 3 (27.27%) moved from depression to a normal state after AA. Without having AEB: 0 (0%) moved from depression to a normal state after AA. HDES in relation to the dietary restrictions: 7 (20%) moved from depression to a normal state after AA. Without following CDC: 2 (5.71%) moved from depression to a normal state after AA.HDES in relation to the use of psychotropic medication: 2 (50%) moved from depression to the normal state when psychotropic medication was stopped during AA treatment. 0 (0%) moved from depression to the normal state when they continued to use this kind of medication during AA treatment. Self-evaluation of feeling cured: 4 (27%) felt cured. 11 (73%) felt improvement. 15 (100%) would recommend AA for the treatment of depression. In this study we have patients that have more Qi deficiency, Blood deficiency or Yang deficiency, in relation to the energy disturbances.

Conclusion: Apex Ear Bloodletting, in this study, did not influence the improvement of the patients depression treatment. AA, when associated with the avoidance of dairy products, appeared to show significant results in the depression treatment compared to patients who did not follow the diet. The suspension of antidepressant medications had better results, compared to those patients who continued using the medications.

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How to Cite


Huang, Wei Ling. (2019-12-31). "Apex Ear Bloodletting, Restriction of Dairy Products, Psychotropic Medication and Energy Disturbances in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study." *Volume 2*, 2, 31-42